- Greek:
- Odyssey 6 Parsed, Scanned, Audio (commentary pdf)
- Odyssey 7 Parsed, Scanned, Audio (commentary pdf)
- Hesiod Works and Days, Theogony
- Herodotus 3 Parsed with Audio
- Herodotus 6 Parsed with psilotic Audio and treebank-based relation info.
- Lysias 1 Parsed with Audio
- Lucian Vera Historia Parsed with Audio and treebank-based relation info.
- Latin:
- Ovid’s Metamorphoses 10 with Audio, Parses etc.
- Caesar BG 2 Parsed with Audio and Commentary
- Apuleius Metamorphoses Book 1, Book 2
- Wheelock Verbs Fully Conjugated (aka 201-ish Latin Verbs)